Start your day out right!
IF you are just looking for the simple version of my Morning Start and Evening End. The link is at the end of this article. OR you can click here.
Starting my day is one of the hardest things for me to do. I have my alarm set for 5:30 am and every time it goes off I hit the snooze and take another 10 minutes sleep. I wish I could say that I only do this once or twice, but in reality I do this at least 3 times. I have even set an alarm with my Alexa, and I still tell it to snooze when the alarm goes off at 6 am. I am terrible. Mornings are the worst for me.
What makes it even harder is trying to get all the chores done before I leave for work. Prior to getting a full time job I knew I had time, if I did not get up soon enough it was not a big deal. I could sleep until 7 am and I would still have time! Not any more.
When I started working full time I knew I needed to be ready and out the door a lot earlier than before. And when I say a lot earlier, I mean A LOT earlier! The unfortunate part it has been a challenge to find a way to get the chores done, be ready for work, and get to work on time. It truly has been a challenge.
After 3 months I figured it was time to do some research and find ways to improve my morning routine. I started reading articles on what to do, how to plan, and ways to improve my mornings. I found out there is more to just getting up early and getting stuff done. You need to plan, both your morning, your evening, your day basically. For you to have a better morning, you need to have a better night. I started planning
I found out that if I wanted to my mornings to improve I need to find a plan for my whole day. I needed to figure out what I am going to be doing the next day before the next day came.
Here are the steps I found out worked well.
Plan the night before: When I planned out my day the night before it gave me the opportunity to see what needed to be done. It allowed me to figure out what needed to be done, and what I wanted to get done. With that list complete I would know how much time I needed to complete my tasks.
Morning Start List: I created a list of chores that I wanted to accomplish each morning before I left for work. I posted that list on my refrigerator where I could see it as a reminder of what I wanted to get done before I headed out the door. It was also important that I put how much time each chore would take. Now I know this sounds a bit controlling, but knowing how long my chores all together will take helps me to know what time to get up in the morning. Or if it is realistic of me to accomplish the tasks I want to get done.
Evening End List: I also created a list of chores that I wanted to accomplish each evening. I also posted this list on my refrigerator where I could see it as a reminder of what I wanted to get done before I go to bed. Just as important as it is to know how much time it takes to get ready in the morning, I also need to know how much time it takes me to get ready for bed.
And what I put on my list is just as important.
Chores to help me be a better me: I know there people that don’t necessarily agree with the “me” time, but taking care of yourself is important. Taking the time to exercise, read, journal, and clean yourself help takes care of your body and your mind. And when you take care of your body and your mind you are able to take better care of your family and home.
Chore to help me plan: It is important to know what your plan is for tomorrow just as it important to know what your plan is for today. Taking 10 minutes in the evening to write down the chores that I want to accomplish the next day helps to know where my day is headed and to know how much needs to be done for that day. If there are errands to run or if there is something out of the ordinary that I need to accomplish.
Chore to help me take better care of home: Taking care of a home is a big responsibility there are many things that need to be taken care of whether on a daily, weekly, or monthly bases. There is almost always something that needs to be done. By having a plan, a list of tasks to be done on a daily, weekly, or monthly bases, taking care of a home is easier.
I know this might seem like a lot but it is not. In fact, I know this ideas helps so much I want to help you get started. Here is my simple PDF that I have used with both my Morning Start list, and my Evening End list. Or you can take a piece of paper and start with your own list. Think of the things/tasks that you would like to do each day before you go to work, and then the things/tasks you would like to do each day before you go to bed. Put that list somewhere you can see it. Then make a pack with yourself that you are going to do those tasks for the next 30 days. You will see a difference. I did!
The Smells of Winter.
It all begins with an idea.
Christmas has passed and away my tree went.
We purchase a real Christmas tree each year. WE do this because my husband loves the smell of trees. I do too, but he really likes the smell of a real tree. He, well we both, think it smells like Christmas. But after this year I am kind of done. Having a real tree in your house is messy. And to be honest you have to be willing to water your tree or at least check your tree each day for it to stay healthy. There is way too much in this brain of mine to remember one more thing, watering the Christmas tree. I barely remember watering my house plants! (poor things) let alone remember what I am fixing for dinner!
So, this time of year, I welcome with open arms. We ardicate the Christmas tree from our house and I get to clean up the mess. Which means, things get a bit cleaner in our house. But the real reason I like this time of year is it gives me a chance to experiment with my oils to try and get that right smell that reminds us both of Christmas. This is all in hopes that someday we will ditch the real tree and own a lovely fake one that does not leave pine needles all over the floor and I have to try and remember to water the lovely thing before it dies.
Now I am sure there are some of you who love the real tree and will continue to go out, cut down the tree and put it in your house. More power to you! I am proud of you. Keep up the good work. But for me, personally, it is A LOT! With that said, my hope is that we can enjoy the smell of Christmas at any time, not just when we have a tree in our house. That we can sit by our woodstove and breathe in deep the smells of the season and not have to worry about another thing on the list.
There my rant is over. Now on to the recipes that I hope will bring the smells of the season into your home.
I want to share these recipes for winter season with you. I would love for you to try them and then let me know what you think. Some of them are tweaks of other recipes I have found and some of them are ones I have put together because of my personal likes. Here you go:
1. Winter breeze; 5 drops Northern Spruce, 5 drops Pine and 2 drops Peppermint.
With this one I feel like Peppermint gives this blend a crisp smell to it. I feel like I am walking through the woods after a fresh snow fall, not like I would know what that means because of where I live. But I like the idea.
2.Fallen Tree; 4 drops Cedarwood, 4 drops Pine, and 4 drops Northern Spruce
My husband does not like this one as much. He feels it is a bit to plan. For me it reminds me of a walk in the woods after a fresh rain. Now for me I do know what those smells like. It is woodsy and warm. A smell that warms your soul.
3. Warm cup of hugs; 3 drops orange, 3 drops cinnamon, 2 drops nutmeg, 2 drops of ginger and 2 drops lemon
This is a long one, but who does not love a good hot cup of tea at the end of the day!? This is one that will warm your house and your heart. It is definitely a warm smell, not as fresh as some. You might also think of it as a fresh baked pie smell. A smell you would have at grandma’s house.
4. Afternoon stroll; 3 drops of basil, 3 drops of sage, 3 drops of rosemary and 2 drops of lemon.
This is one I love all year round. I enjoy the herbal scent. I feel like it brings warmth into my home. I know Micheal is not a big fan, but if I put it off to the side and it is a welcome aroma to the room especially in the afternoon. There are times it reminds me of walking through my garden in late summer or early fall. The earth tones renew my mind and comfort my heart.
I hope you enjoy these blends like I have. Please let me know if you enjoy them as much as I have. I pray they are a wonderful addition to your collection.
I would love to hear from you and some of your own blends that you have created.
A link to the recipe cards is here. Enjoy!