New Season New Job and a New Start

Have you ever had one of the moments when you know that your life is about to change?

I had a few of those moments this last Spring, if not this last year. I would say over the past 6 to 9 months God has been doing a work in me. He has been slowly moving things around. He has been nudging me towards a path that He has laid out for me. A path I was fighting with every part of my body.

4 months ago, well probably more like 5 months ago life was beginning to shift. Where I worked, which I loved my job, was no longer the same as it was when I started the job back in 2020. I had gone through many changes in that job, COVID started 2 months after I got the job. The environment around us changed also. 4 months after I started my job, my pastor announced he felt called to move to La Pine Oregon. And then 3 months later the youth pastor I worked with announced his family were moving to Kansas.

When I say I am used to change around me I am used to change around me. The church I worked for, and still go to with through a “break-up” about 2 years ago. A year and half ago the office manager I was working for quite and went to work for Intel, and the other office support well she got married. Then to boot the second office manager that I worked with decided 5 months ago to do the same thing.

Yes, I understand change. But for the life of me I did not understand what change meant for me. I did not know how to embrace change when I was the one who needed the change. THAT is what God wanted from me. He wanted ME to change. He wanted ME to spread my wings and fly. Fly the coupe, fly the nest. God wanted me to change a path in my life I did not know I was ready for.

4 months ago, after a month of praying and praying. Did I say that I was praying. Let me phrase that again, 4 months ago after Micheal and I had a month of praying I applied for a Office Managers position at another church. I went through the process and, low and behold, I got the job.

I am now the new Office Manager at Newberg Friends Church in Newberg, Oregon. And I love my job! Yes it is challenging, but what job isn’t. My drive is amazing, you can see the drive on my TikTok if you would like. And the people I work with are wonderful. I truly feel like I have been transferred from one family home to another. And the best part about this, is I still get to do what God has called me to do.

It is an adventure. I am able to drive to work and listen to God’s plan. I am able to help and serve a community that loves the Lord just as my own church community does. And the icing on the top of the cake is it is in a small town! Something that both my husband and I have dreamed about for YEARS.

So who knows what God has in store for us over the next year, 2 years or even 10 years. What I do know is that this years adventure is going to be an amazing, growing time of me leaning into God and allowing Him to be my lead. Allowing Christ to take the wheel, you might say, and drive me and my family into a way of life that will hopefully honor him.

You can listen to the whole story on my podcast, Sew Abundant: at my kitchen table Episode 1.

Oh, did I tell you I started my podcast all over?! I guess that is another story for another day.


Mom’s Day


Starting your own plant family.