family Michelle Wolbaum family Michelle Wolbaum

Mother’s/Mom’s Day

You never know the effect you may have on someone or what effect someone may have on you. God puts people in our lives at certain times to help us grow. Being a mom is not just about the biology of life, it is about the job of mentoring others. Being a mom never stops because of age or relationship. Being a mom means that you are willing to sacrifice a bit of yourself for the betterment of others. He puts those moms in our lives to show us Christ.

When we think about it moms are the ones who show us so much more. They show us how to be soft, how to love unconditionally, and how to protect at all costs. Moms are the ones who bring the sunshine into our homes and the twilight at night. To be a mom in any sense is to have the privilege to touch someone else life. I have had that privilege in every sense of the word.

Mother by definition is a woman in relation to her child or children. If you were to ask any woman who is a mother, the definition would be so much more. It is someone who has sacrificed a bit of them for the betterment of others.

Mothers are the ones who make the meals, wash the clothes, wipe the bottoms, dry the tears, help the boo-boos go away, and pray by your bedside at night.

Now, I know many dads do this too, but there is something about a mother. She is the one whose laughter can fill a room, whose stare can stop a train, and whose words can fill the gap. It is a mom who walks the floors from birth until eternity full of worry, fear, love, and prayers. Prayers for our futures, our pasts, and our days. It is a mom who walks beside us, defends us, and yet reprimands us for our good. It is a mom who loves us to the core no matter who we are.

I have been the one who needed the tears wiped away. I have been the one to walk the halls with worries on my mind and prayers in my heart. I am a daughter and I am a mother. From both, I have learned what it means to be a mom.

“Mother is a verb. It’s something you do. Not just who you are.” —Dorothy Canfield Fisher

Over the past 37 years, I have learned what it means to be a mom. To be a mom to someone gifted to me, and to some I gave birth to is a profound honor. There is no other job in this world that can compare. Raising all of my kids was a journey that grew me into the adult I am today. It was a journey of growth. Neither is different in my mind. Both are treasured. All of them gave me laughter and tears, frustration, and delight. All four of my kids grew me into the mom I am today.

When I think about where I would be today without the influence of the many moms in my life, or without the experience of being a mom myself, it is hard to comprehend. It is their love, wisdom, and strength that shaped me into the adult I am today.

I know in my heart this is a job that is not for the faint of heart. It is a purpose that God gives to us to strengthen our faith. It is the opportunity to see God’s creation grow. It is the moment of sanctification for both ourselves and those around us.

1 Peter 3:4

You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.

You never know the effect you may have on someone or what effect someone may have on you. God puts people in our lives at certain times to help us grow. Being a mom is not just about the biology of life, it is about the job of mentoring others. Being a mom never stops because of age or relationship. Being a mom means that you are willing to sacrifice a bit of yourself for the betterment of others. He puts those moms in our lives to show us Christ.

When we think about it moms are the ones who show us so much more. They show us how to be soft, how to love unconditionally, and how to protect at all costs. Moms are the ones who bring the sunshine into our homes and the twilight at night. To be a mom in any sense is to have the privilege to touch someone else life. I have had that privilege in every sense of the word.

I pray that the knowledge and influence given to me by other moms is something that I have passed on and can continue to pass on to others. I pray that being a mom to others has given them just a drop of what I have received from the moms in my life.

• “[Motherhood is] the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary — it’s an act of infinite optimism.” — Gilda Radner

Mother is by definition a woman who is related to a child or children. We know that being a mom is so much more. It is the woman who prays every waking moment for their child’s future, faith, and growth. Being a mom means that you love even when your child is slightly unlovable. I am a mom. I am a daughter. It is an honor to be both. It is a challenge to be both.

There are 12 months, 52 weeks, and 365 days in a year. And it seems so funny that one of those days is set aside for moms, mothers, madras, and mas. I don’t think there is one day that I am not thankful for my mom. She has guided me, loved me, and raised me. My mom walked beside me when I was successful and comforted me when I fell. My mom is my cheerleader and my conscious. I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for my mom.

Many friends and mentors were and are my mom. These were women who loved me. They laughed with me. They taught me and prayed for me. These women were the ones who showed me what contentment meant. Who showed me what love meant. I would not be who I am today if it were not for these amazing women.

I am a mom. I have raised four kids. They have challenged me. We have laughed and cried. We have fought many battles. Some have been won and some were lost. We have prayed together and for each other. I would not be who I am today if it weren’t for my kids.

Today and many more days, I will honor my mom for the example she gave me. Today and many more days, I will remember my friends for the example they gave me. And for today I will take one moment to be proud to say I am a mom.

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