New Year New Season

As I sit at my desk looking out the window, it is a beautiful sunny day. I know if I were to step outside the door it would be freezing cold. I also know that it is almost the end of January! Can you believe it, the end of January? This year has started out with a bang and has not stopped. There is so much going on in this world. There is a part of me that would like to start the year over since it is JUST the end of January. But it is not possible.

Even though the year has started off a little off, we can try to look forward to a better day. Each day gives us an opportunity to start again or keep going. Each day is a new beginning in a way. The sun comes up and the day starts. This gives us a chance to make a choice. We, I say we but I really mean me, can continue to make the same choices or I can change the choices I make.

That is when I came to the realization I wanted to look at my year differently. I wanted to look at my year with intention. I wanted to rise every morning with the intent to live each day to the fullness that God has given me. That is hard. I am not going to lie. It has been hard these past 20-plus days to try and live my life, I guess you might say, better. I am trying to get up each morning and live the life God intended for me.

That is where this journal comes into play. Last year, through December I came to realize to live an intentional life I need to sit down and playfully decide what that life will look like. What are the changes I need to make? What aspects of my life in 2024 can I keep and what aspects do I want to change? What goals do I want to set? What stuff do I want to get rid of?

These questions kept rattling around in my head until I sat down and put them into a journal, the New Year New Season journal. It was something I knew I could start on January 1st or I could start on March 15th. It is a journal I can keep near me and revisit, not just as a reference but as a work in process. The truth is we never are finished with our journey. Each day is a new day in our journey of life. With this journal, it has become my guide in that journey. And who doesn’t need a guide? I know I do.

Three Rules of Work: Out of clutter find simplicity. From discord find harmony. In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
— Albert Einstein

When I started the year, I looked around my house and realized that part of the feeling I have of being overwhelmed is coming from the clutter that surrounds me. I knew that for me to find a level of peace in our home and in my life, I would need to tame the clutter beast. I knew I needed to begin there. I listed off the chores I needed to get done and catch up on. I made a list of items that I needed to get rid of. Next, I went through my kitchen deciding what healthy food we need and what processed food I can get rid that is clogging both our minds and bodies.

This is still in process. If you were to come into my house you would see Christmas decorations still up, and the house a bit dirty. My life working full time can be a bit chaotic. The time to get all the tasks done is sometimes hard to find. Like I keep saying over and over, it is a work in process.

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.”
— William Penn

There are days I manage my time well and there are days it doesn’t go so well. I knew starting out this year, that if I was going to move forward whether it was an inch or a mile, I needed to get my time and how I used my time under control. I needed to get a realistic view on our current schedule, what we wanted to add to our schedule, and what we needed to take out of our schedule to help us manage our time better.

Not knowing what you are going to be doing overtime means you will lose track of your time. Before you know it, it is the end of the day and you feel like you have not accomplished a thing. Yes, it does take time to write down what you have planned for the day, what you want to accomplish in your day, and what your goals are. It is time well spent.

The future goal is the things that produces character in the present.
— N.T. Wright

Goals are worth having. But unset goals, or unwritten goals gets you nowhere. I have learned this last year that it is time to write down my goals. No matter what that goal is, how big or small, a bit of work each day will get me closer to that goal.

Goals are worthwhile work. That is why I put them on paper where I can reflect upon my goals, both from last year and for the coming year. If I want to conquer the new mountains that God has for me, than I need to set write those mountains down.

“The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.”
— Jeffrey R. Holland

As women, we wear so many hats: wives, mothers, daughters, friends, caretakers. To meet the needs of those around us, we also need to take care of ourselves. Balancing work, home, and family can be exhausting, but when we carve out time for each area intentionally, we can create a more peaceful, purpose-filled life.

For me, that has meant re-evaluating how we manage our home, spend our time, and work toward our family goals. By doing this, we can make time to truly enjoy one another and work together as a team.

Intentional Choices:

This year, I’m choosing intention. I want to lean into my faith, mark my path, and live each day with purpose. By year’s end, I want to look back knowing I made intentional choices for my home, time, family, and more.

I’d love for you to join me on this journey. I’ll be sharing more here and on my podcast about living intentionally. Let’s encourage one another along the way!

You can also download a free version of my New Year, New Season journal through the link below. If you’d like the extended version, it’s available on my Etsy shop, Sew Abundant Shop.

I would love to hear your thoughts on your new year. Share with what goals you have set and what changes you are hoping to make.

For now, enjoy that cup of coffee and I will see you next time!


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