Family Easter Egg Hunt

Spring time is a wonderful time to open your home, and hop out into your back yard for some fun family time. And what better way to do this than hunting eggs, specifically Easter eggs, but remember this hunt can be done at any time.

Don’t get me wrong I love a good Easter egg hunt. As a child I loved to hunt for Easter eggs. I still remember visiting my grandparents in the spring. And their small town would host an Easter egg hunt for all ages, even the adults. It was so much fun to run around that field grabbing as many eggs as I could. I still remember that feeling to this day!

The wonderful thing about memories, and spending time together is you can do it when it fits into your schedule or when you discover a new activity. There is nothing that says you can only do egg hunts at Easter time. Although it is much easier and a whole lot more fun when it is nice outside.

When our kids were little they loved hunting for things, whether it was inside or outside. Now mind you, just like in my childhood, egg hunts were also around Easter. And we have done them in so many different places, especially since there have been years that all we got was rain!

Doing egg hunts, or treat hunts is something you can plan at any time with anything. All you need is something to hide, somewhere to hide it, and a plan to make it happen. And that is what I am going to help you with today. Planting the seeds to plan a Easter Egg Hunt.

I have added a Easter Egg Planner for you to download and print for easy reference. You will also find a blank planner in the back to create your own Easter Egg Hunt, or whatever kind of hunt you want to create. Remember this is a starting point, a spring board you might say, to get you started. For now….

Let’s get started planning!

First you want to plan on a block of time, I would say about 2 hours, to put aside for the actual hunt. Make sure you are giving your kids time to hunt down all of the hidden gems, and not feel like they have to rush to find them. Although I can almost guarantee they will probably rush just to make sure they have all of those little gems you have hidden.

Second, decide what you want to hide. With this example I am going to use eggs, specifically Easter eggs. You can use anything that you can image, colored rocks, stuffed animals, or even notes that can lead them to another location.

Third gather and prepare all your supplies. I went and purchased plastic eggs, candy, and other surprised to use with my egg hunt. I also made Easter eggs with real eggs to add a bit of variety to our hunt.

Fourth you will prepare your hidden gems, and finish your other preparations for the big day. I filled my plastic eggs with small candy and pennies. I also made the colorful hardboiled eggs. Then I gathered up the “prizes” that the kids would be able to choose from after the hunt was done. This last bit is an extra. Buying or providing prizes is not something you need to do. Just putting small candy into the plastic eggs would satisfy any participate.

Lastly it is the big day! Gather all your gems, eggs, or whatever you are going to hide. If it is not raining outside, take your hunt outside. Find easy and hard places to place your “gems”. Make sure to keep in mind the age of the participants, your kids. You want to make the hunt a challenge but not such a hard challenge they cannot find the hidden “gems”. If it is raining don’t worry, move your hunt inside. To be honest my kids loved hunting for things in the house as much as hunting outside. And when you think about it there are sometimes more creative ways of hiding those “gems”.

The most important thing I can tell you is to have fun! This activity is a way for you to create a fun, challenging activity for your kids and their friends to do on any given day. It does not have to be perfect. All it has to be is fun.


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